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Meet Jacob Walker Owner at Fitness 1440 San Antonio

I’m Jacob Walker, I Grew up just outside of San Antonio TX, in a small rural town. Excelled in school and sports and enlisted in USAF after graduation. Trained in a high pace, high stress field of Air Traffic Control and served in Italy and Pakistan from 1999-2003. After an Honorable Discharge in 2003, I returned home and met my beautiful wife. We’ve been married 13 years now and have two smart and beautiful daughters. While serving in the Air Force, I developed a passion for fitness and wanted to dedicate my life to helping others with their fitness goals. I started working in fitness equipment sales and spent 9 years getting to know the ins and outs of fitness equipment but the financial obligations of raising a family encouraged me to chase money, instead of my passion. I started a job in the oil field and quickly learned the trade. The work was hard and dangerous, the hours were long and I spent more and more time away from what mattered most…my family. We knew the sacrifices we were making were going to allow us to follow up on our dream of opening a gym, so we kept working and started planning. After much research and consideration we decided Fitness 1440 was the right opportunity for us to live the life we wanted while helping others reach their goals. Fitness 1440 has allowed us to open and operate a facility that truly cares about community and making real improvements.

-Jacob Walker

Fitness 1440 San Antonio

We are in the business of motivating communities to mobilize and energize one another.

To keep up with Fitness 1440 and special events happening follow us on social media.

Facebook:  @1440SA Fitness 1440 San Antonio

Instagram @fitness1440sanantonio