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Watsi – January Charity with Sweat Angels

Hey 1440 friends,

For the month of January, we are excited to partner with Watsi. Watsi provides crowdsourced healthcare for people in developing countries that cannot afford it. Every check-in on Facebook or Location Tag on Instagram helps provide a life-changing surgery to a child in need.

They enable anyone to directly fund life-changing healthcare for people around the world by connecting patients who can’t afford the procedures they need with donors via the web. 100% of donations made to Watsi fund life-changing healthcare.

If you want to learn more about our January charity, you can check them out at www.watsi.org. The hashtag this month is #changealife.

Thanks for encouraging everyone to check-in and help change lives!

Jacob and Jordyn Walker

P.S. If you haven’t heard of Causely, here’s how it works… Causely makes a donation to a great cause every time people check-in at our location. To learn more about Causely visit causely.com/our-good.

Thanks for checking in this month to help change lives!

Check out our past posts to see what charities we have partnered with!

In December, for the holiday season, we were happy to partner with Books for Africa to provide age-appropriate books to kids in Tanzania. Every 5 check-ins or reviews on Facebook, and tags on Instagram this month will provide the gift of a book to a child.

Books For Africa believes that education is the great equalizer in the world, and books are at the foundation of a strong educational system. Access to an education is one of the only opportunities young people have to end the cycle of poverty and attain a better quality of life than previous generations. By giving the gift of reading to a child, you are not only opening up a world of opportunity, but you are also giving them a lifetime of joy.

We are Happy To Announce we were able to provide 17 Books with Books For Africa!  Thank you so much for all of you participation!